Ideas on How Parents Might Help Their Children’s Online Learning

Online Children's Learning

It’s no secret that many parents struggle to keep up with their children’s online schooling. Between work and other obligations, finding the time and energy to help your kids with their studies can be challenging. 

However, you can still do some things to support your children and ensure they’re getting the most out of their education. Here are some ideas on how you, as a parent, can help in online children’s learning.

The best 8 Ideas for Parents to Support Online Children’s Learning 

#1: Schedule regular breaks and make sure your child takes them.

One of the most challenging aspects of online learning can be staying motivated and focused. This is especially true for children, who can easily get distracted. However, by scheduling regular breaks and ensuring they take them, parents can help their children stay on track, stay focused and avoid burnout.

Taking periodic breaks helps to refresh the mind and body, which can be especially beneficial for children learning online. Children can avoid feeling overwhelmed or bogged down by their studies by taking breaks. In addition, regular breaks can help children to stay focused and motivated.

While children need to take breaks, it is just as vital for them to be able to return to their studies. Therefore, parents should help their children to establish a consistent routine. This can include setting regular times for breaks as well as study times.

Getting caught up in online learning and forgetting to take breaks can be easy, but it’s essential to give your child a chance to rest and recharge. By helping their children to take regular breaks and stay on track, parents can play a crucial role in supporting their online learning.

#2: Help your child stay organized.

As a parent, you have an essential role in supporting your child’s online learning. By staying organized and helping your child to stay on track, you can set them up for success.

You can do a few things to help your child stay organized while learning online. First, create a daily schedule for them to follow and help them to stick to it. This will enable them to know what they need to do and when they need to do it. 

Next, create a designated space for them to do their work. This can be a desk, table, or even a spot on the floor. Lastly, ensure they have all the necessary materials, like paper, pencils, and books. 

#3: Assist your child in setting up a distraction-free, cozy study place.

Speaking of creating a designated space for them to do their work, it’s equally important to create a study space that is comfortable and free from distractions. Making a study area at home can significantly impact your child’s academic progress.

You can start doing this by first finding a quiet spot in your house. To reduce noise and distractions, pick a space where the door can be shut. 

The space must be set up once you’ve selected the ideal spot. Your child will need a desk or table to work at, a comfortable chair, good lighting, and plenty of storage for all their materials.

Moreover, help your child personalize their study space by adding some of their favorite things. This could include pictures, posters, plants, or anything else that will make them feel relaxed and comfortable.

Lastly, make sure to establish some rules and boundaries for the study space. Your kid will be able to concentrate and complete the activity at hand, thanks to this. You might decide to forbid phones in the study area, for instance.

#4 Encourage positive self-talk. 

Another way you can support your child in their online learning is by encouraging positive self-talk. Research shows that self-talk can impact our attitudes and behaviors, so it’s essential to encourage your children to speak kindly to themselves. Here are some tips on how to do this.

First, model positive self-talk yourself. When you make a mistake, instead of saying, “I’m so stupid,” try saying, “Everyone makes mistakes. I’ll try again.” 

Next, encourage your children to notice when they’re speaking negatively to themselves and to reframe their thoughts in a more positive light. Also, point out the positive things your children say about themselves and praise them for it. 

Lastly, help your children to set realistic goals and to celebrate their successes, no matter how small. By encouraging positive self-talk, you can help your children to feel more confident and successful in their online learning.

#5: Encourage communication with teachers.

There is no denying that the COVID-19 pandemic has seriously disrupted education across the globe. With so many schools moving to online learning, parents have to take on a more active role in their children’s education. Promoting contact with instructors is one of the best things parents can do to assist their children in this new learning environment. 

Keeping in close contact with your child’s teacher has some advantages. It first enables you to keep track of what your child is learning and their development. This is crucial in an online learning setting because it’s easy for students to fall behind. Furthermore, communication can aid in seeing potential issues before they balloon out of control.

Another advantage of keeping in touch with your child’s teacher is that it demonstrates to your child your interest in and concern for their education. This can be a great motivator for children, especially when struggling. Knowing that their parents are invested in their education can give children the confidence to keep trying, even when things are tough. 

#6: Keep an eye on screen time.

Watching your children’s screen time during their online learning is another way you can help as a parent. While children need to have some time on devices for schoolwork and entertainment, too much screen time can be detrimental to their health and development.

You can monitor your children’s screen time by setting limits on their screen time and sticking to them. Your children will benefit from this since it will help them form good habits and keep them from developing a screen addiction. 

You can also balance your child’s screen time with other pursuits like reading, playing outside, and spending time with family and friends. 

This will ensure that your child uses screens less frequently.

#7: Be a supportive presence or give them moral support.

Having an online education can be lonely, so reassure your child that you’re there for them. They may not always want to talk about their day or studies, but knowing that you’re available to listen can be a big help. 

You can also try to be more involved in their schoolwork, even if you cannot sit down and help them with their assignments. Simply asking them about what they’re learning can show that you’re interested and invested in their education.

Of course, it’s also essential to provide some practical support. If your children are having trouble with their work, see if there are any resources you can provide, such as books or websites. You can also talk to their teachers to see if there are any specific areas where your children need help.

#8: Celebrate their successes, no matter how small they may seem.

Celebrating your child’s online learning accomplishments is a terrific strategy to inspire your child to keep up the excellent work. It demonstrates your interest in their education and appreciation for their efforts. They are more likely to be inspired to keep learning if they feel appreciated and supported. 

There are numerous ways to acknowledge your child’s accomplishments. You can praise them verbally, give them a hug, or even give them a small present. Whatever you do, make sure you do it. 


I’m Sana, one of the writers and editors of thenybanner. I have been writing since last year and I enjoyed it as a hobby. I’ve covered wide range of topics like news celebrity, school article, cigars and a lot more.

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