Now, throughout the United Kingdom and beyond, people everywhere are starting to spend more and more time back at work and picking up their busy schedules and lives, and they are craving a brand-new garden in which to spend their valuable free time.
Here are five gardening secrets every landscaper should know in 2021:
1. Privacy Is Always Desirable
A sense of privacy in the garden is something everyone enjoys, and when designing a garden, ensuring that you create an area of peace and privacy is one of the best gifts you can give.
Take inspiration from the Big Apple and design a trellis-style half-roof covering one section of the seating area, like an urban rooftop setting, or for more of an intimate setting, consider a three-walled trellis surrounding a swing seat. The beauty of using a trellis for privacy is the flowers and climbing plants you can entwine through the wooden slats to create an absolutely stunning private area of the garden.
2. Mirror, Mirror on the Garden Wall
Beautifully ornate and surprisingly affordable, providing you choose the position carefully, a mirror in the garden can create a stunning aesthetic addition to any sized space.
Using broken pieces of old mirrors, creating a mosaic on the side of a wall or across a particular fence panel is a fantastic way to add texture and depth to a garden. Alternatively, hang a large mirror directly in the centre of the back fence to create an illusion of depth or break up the tedium of a plain garden wall by affixing a mirror to one corner.
3. Ensure Sufficient Shade
There are a plethora of benefits to creating some shaded areas in the garden.

The easiest and most effective way is to plant a traditional, large shade tree such as poplar, oak or maple, but shade can also be beautifully created by the installation of a pergola or, on a grander scale a roofed pavilion or greenhouse. Ensure you use professional and top-quality landscaping materials from a reputable supplier, and choose plants that enjoy copious amounts of shade to blend the shaded area seamlessly into the rest of the garden.
4. Lengthen the Seasons
When planning a garden, professional and experienced landscape gardeners always ensure they envisage the layout of the garden throughout the year and consider the visual effectiveness of the design throughout the seasons. When choosing ferns and flowers, make certain to plant different seasonal plants from different groups to ensure there is always splashes of colour and visual focal points no matter the time of the year.
5. Raised Beds
Raised flower and plant beds not only add a sense of height and dimension when designing a garden, they also provide a multitude of other benefits. Raised bed gardening affords the gardener warmer earth for longer, a significantly increased amount of growing space, an increased quality of drainage systems for areas prone to clay soil, and less chance of weeds.