7 Tips on Purchasing Baby Clothes for First-Time Parents

Baby Clothes

So your new baby is on the way. Whether you’re adopting, fostering, or having a biological child, the waiting period is intense and you’re getting excited to welcome this new child into your household.

You’re ready to start purchasing baby clothes, and you’re excited to hit up the local mall, right?

Before you start your shopping spree, take some time to plan ahead. We have a few helpful tips to get you started. Keep reading to learn all about what you should do when you’re buying clothes for your new baby.

1. Ask Friends and Family Members

The first thing that you should do when you’re “shopping” for your new baby is to not shop at all. You will have to buy clothes (and a lot of them), but it’s best for you, your baby, and the environment to ask around first.

This doesn’t mean asking people to buy clothes for you. They will likely already do that. Rather, ask people who have had children if they have any hand-me-downs available to you.

It’s so easy to shop before the baby is born. You’ll see so many cute clothes and spend so much money. For staples, however, don’t be afraid to get secondhand clothes. Babies don’t wear one size for long, so this clothing is in good condition.

Read more: Packing a Hospital Bag for You and Baby

2. Consider Buying Secondhand

Once you’ve asked all of your friends and family members if they have anything, it’s time to start shopping for secondhand clothing.

Start at local thrift stores. Many of these shops price essential baby clothing pieces super low because they have so much baby clothing in stock. This is perfect for any parent on a budget.

If you’re buying clothes online, consider looking at the Facebook Marketplace pages for your local area. Many people sell (or give away) clothing for low prices when their children outgrow them.

3. Research Baby Clothes Brands

So you’re ready to get brand new clothes for your baby. There’s no shame in that! You and your baby deserve a few nice new pieces.

Look into popular baby clothing brands to see which ones appeal to you. Make sure that you already have a style in mind. Different brands focus on different things (like clothing for photos, holiday clothing, warm clothing, and so on).

Research the materials that each brand uses. Always read reviews before you make a purchase!

4. Don’t Over-Buy

We get it. You’re so excited for your bundle of joy to arrive, and you can’t stop yourself from buying everything in sight. We suggest not doing this.

Your baby is going to grow so fast that you can miss it in a blink of an eye. This means you won’t need too many outfits for each stage of growth. When it comes to buying a lot of items, stick to basics like onesies (which you will always need).

Resist the temptation to buy seasonal clothing when you’re not in that season. Your baby doesn’t need winter boots in July, and they will outgrow the boots by the time winter rolls around!

If you must buy everything in sight, make sure that you buy clothing with your baby’s growth in mind. Buying several sizes will help you accommodate your baby as they grow.

5. Keep It Cozy and Safe

Clothing for babies has to be comfortable and safe.

Babies are prone to overheat, and they can’t tell you when that’s happening. You’ll have to look for signs like a red face, sweating, and visible discomfort.

Pick breathable fabrics, like cotton, to keep your baby comfortable and cool (but not too cool) in their clothing. Make sure that materials are soft and there aren’t any rough seams that could make your baby uncomfortable.

Also, look out for anything that might not be safe for your baby. Loose buttons and high necks could put your baby at risk for choking and suffocation.

Pay attention to how your baby reacts to their new outfits, and keep those reactions in mind when you’re shopping later on.

6. Ease and Accessibility Matter

If you pick up a lot of intricate outfits for your baby, you’re going to make your life harder. Baby clothes need to be accessible.

Babies are messy. They throw up, they occasionally go through their diapers, and they’re great at getting into things that they shouldn’t. This means that you want the majority of your baby’s wardrobe to be easy to clean and easy to remove.

This is why so many people rely on onesies with easy-open shoulders or diaper snaps. You want to be able to dress and undress your baby before they know what’s happening.

You’ll be shocked at how many onesies you can go through in a single day. Don’t make your life harder by getting outfits that are cute, but inconvenient.

7. Relax

So many parents start to panic-buy before the baby arrives. This is normal, but it’s helpful for you to take a step back and think before you overload your baby’s wardrobe with outfits.

Make a budget and plan out your shopping. While you’ll still end up buying things that you don’t need, it’ll be easier to restrain yourself. Remember, you have a lot of things to pay for as a new parent.

Purchasing Baby Clothes is Fun, But Stressful

We get it. You’re ready to shop right away for your new baby. The shopping process is so much fun, but it’s important to keep these tips in mind if you don’t want to overspend or buy things that you don’t need.

Start purchasing baby clothes, but don’t stress about it. Your bundle of joy will have everything that they need.

Emily Rose

Wife. Mom. Blogger. Actress. Friend. I got married to Dariek in 2009. Now I am the mother of three cute and naughty children who keep me busy always. As a lifelong learner, I find inspiration from the everyday experiences of motherhood. When I learn a new thing, I share it on my blog GlobalMomsMagazine.com.

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