If you are a new parent and you’re not sure which items for your little kid you really need, I’m going to help you. Sometimes, it can be quite overwhelming when you see so many baby products on supermarket shelves or online shops. When choosing something unnecessary, you’ll waste your time and money. So it’s definitely better to be aware of some mainstreams that aren’t worthy of attention, and some essentials that will become real lifesavers when it comes to feeding your baby.
So, let’s get right into this topic. Here is a list of the 7 must-have baby feeding essentials that every new parent should know about
Baby Feeding Essentials List
1. Bottles for feeding

The most useful item in your feeding bag should be high-quality bottles. You need to be prudent and have some additional ones in case of damage or loss. Maybe, it’s not so obvious, but choosing the right bottle is an important process, as it can affect your little one’s mood, sleep, growth, and development if they are usually fed with a bottle. Even if you are breastfeeding but use formula feeding several times a week, you still need to pay extra attention to the bottle selection. The bottle should remind the baby of nursing and provide the same feeding technique as at the breast. It will reduce the risk of confusion and make the process more pleasant. Additionally, the bottle should be resistant to heating and cooling to make it possible to use it in the microwave. And don’t forget about your own convenience – it should be easy for you to clean and sterilize.
2. Bottle sterilizers

The next essential item is a sterilizer for bottles. If you are formula-feeding or expressing your milk, it is necessary to keep all the bottles in a clean and safe condition. This is important for your baby’s health as bottles that are not sterilized enough can transport germs and infections to your little one, causing health issues. To make your life easier, a special sterilizer was invented that can sterilize from 1 to 8 bottles in one go. It can be quite small in size and is even portable, making it useful while traveling. This device will save you time and reduce stress.
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3. Breast pump
If you’re regularly breastfeeding, you might think about expressing your milk for some situations. To do so, you’ll need a good breast pump, which you should choose based on how often you plan to pump. There is a wide range of these devices, but two main kinds of them are electric breast pumps and manual ones. An electric one uses an electric-power motor to express breast milk automatically. A manual one, on the other hand, doesn’t require electricity and moms do everything by hand. You need to consider which one will be more comfortable for you. Look up the price for these items and find the one that suits your budget. And don’t forget about the reviews of other moms, who went through the process and can recommend some good-quality breast pumps.
4. Feeding cushion
This item comes in handy wherever you intend to feed your little one. Usually, feeding a baby takes 10-40 minutes, so it’s important to think about the comfort of both mom and child. There are so many cushions of different sizes, shapes, and fabrics on the market, so choosing the one that fits you will not be a problem. Remember its main function: it should enable arm and back support and make the child feel cozy. Yes, while staying at home you can use your lovely pillow or blanket, but you’ll be delighted while using the cushion somewhere outside the house, if your baby would have the urge to have a meal. By the way, if you’re expecting twins, there is a good option of a cushion for you, which forms a donut around your body.
5. Baby high chair
While your little one gets ready to sit on their own, you need to get this type of chair. It is suitable not only for feeding but for any activities like playing, drawing, and others as it helps your baby support their back. And if the chair is high enough, it will be easier for you to feed your loved one and make less of a mess. And there is literally a huge choice of high chairs. It’s not only about their styles but also about some useful functions. It can be a foldable one that will be a great option for a compact kitchen. Or you may choose a fast-clean highchair that is made from wipe-clean plastic which requires little effort. Some high chairs have really smart features, for example, some of them are able to turn into preschool chairs or have special play trays. So, everything you want.
6. Feeding bowls and spoons

When a baby turns the age when he or she is ready to try some solids, you need to think about cutleries that will be safe and pleasant to eat from. There are a lot of special feeding bowls on the market. And they are usually soft-tipped and serve a long life. The most popular among young families are those which can be attached to the table. These functions make them unable to fall over and lose their food, and, consequently, save your nerves as you won’t need to clean all the food from the floor. One more good decision will be to choose the bowl divided into different sections. That’s how you’ll need only one plate for different kinds of food. And don’t forget to make eating more entertaining for your kid by getting colorful and interesting bowls. If your little one will love that, he or she will be eating the food with gusto.
7. Blender or Mixer grinder
These devices are useful for making baby food. When your little one is ready to start eating solids, your task is to make the food easy for them to chew and swallow. And all the experts claim that the first «adult» food should come in the form of puree or very soft fruits or veggies. So blender will definitely come in handy as you’ll need to use it almost on a daily basis. Additionally, the blender is not just a device for one stage of your child’s life; it has a long life and can be used to make smoothies, which are also healthy and delicious. By the way, you can use some ready-made foods. There is a wide variety of baby food like purees made from different food products, baby cereals, or juices. This option can save you time and provide your baby with healthy ready-made food.
You’ve already been introduced to the most useful items that are connected to feeding your baby. Now, you know the basics, but it is still quite instructive to consult with other experienced parents and medical professionals on this topic. And try to prepare those things in advance while you are pregnant in order not to get confused in the middle of the night if you run out of bottles or nipples. Sometimes, Murphy’s Law dictates that you won’t be able to get the things you need when you need them most. So be conscious about the essentials.