How Can I Create a Better Future for My Children?

How to Create a Better Future for Every Child?

The world we live in may not be perfect, but we need to make the most of what we have. While doing this, you might also want to consider the ways that you could potentially make life better or easier for your children when they grow up, as well as in the present. In doing so, they may not face certain struggles, or may even become more compassionate people. Some ideas may take a lot of work, while others could be quite simple to achieve. Here are just a few you can consider making a better future for every child.

Encourage Learning

Learning is one of the most valuable things a child will do in their lives, so encouraging a love for discovering new things is key. Not only will this help them to stay curious about the world, but they’ll be more likely to develop new skills as an adult and continuously grow as they get older. While traditional education is important, it’s also crucial to recognise that not all children learn in the same ways. Avoid forcing your child to go to university or higher education if they’re better suited to an apprenticeship or vocational course. As long as your child is learning, it doesn’t matter how or where.

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To find out what kinds of topics your child is most interested in, buy them different books, take them to museums and art galleries, and invest in interactive projects for hands-on exposure to science and maths. Your child will eventually show an interest in one field over the others, but try and maintain a broad range of learning to encourage them to be as well-rounded as possible.

Teach Mindfulness

Teaching children to be mindful so that they can reduce stress and improve their overall wellbeing will serve them well as they progress through the education system and into the working world. So many adults struggle with emotional regulation, so teaching your child what mindfulness can do for them is a lesson that’s best introduced as early as possible. If your little one is very young, try mindful colouring books or simple relaxation techniques to help them calm down. As children grow up, you can introduce some more advanced methods of mindfulness, such as yoga and breathing techniques.

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As well as teaching mindfulness, make sure you give your child the right tools to both understand and express their emotions. Tell them that it’s ok to feel sad and frustrated, but also show them how they can work through their pain to avoid it impacting their lives and other people’s.


The best way for your children to learn responsibility is by being given it at a young age. Give your children little age-appropriate tasks so they can learn the value of working hard and having to take ownership of their actions. Chores are a great way to do this, whether it’s helping to set the table or wash the dishes, letting children help out will teach them that they’re part of something bigger than themselves. As they grow up, they won’t expect everything to come easily and will understand they need to work hard and contribute to society in order to achieve their goals. And if your children make mistakes when they’re younger, that’s ok. It’s all part of the learning process and will help them to become more responsible adults.

Tolerance and Acceptance

With how much diversity is found in the country, it can often be surprising, and disgusting, how much hate there can be. Issues with race, sexuality, gender, and religion can cause a lot of physical or mental pain for victims. Due to this, it can be a good idea to teach your children to be more tolerant and attempt to gain an understanding of aspects and identities that differ from their own. This could allow them to grow up to be kinder, more respectful people who are in a better position to make long-lasting relationships with others.

There may be times when you want to help your child adjust their behaviour so that they don’t make mistakes or cause insults in the future. Likewise, there might also be occasions where it can be appropriate to ignore negative behaviours so that your child doesn’t think they can get attention by doing the same thing in future. This can go a long way towards a better future for them, as you can model and teach the different behaviours that could help them be better people.

Financial Planning

There might come a point within a person’s life where they find themselves struggling for money. Likewise, they may have certain goals, such as homeownership or becoming parents themselves, that may be difficult to achieve without financial aid. You may have had to face some of these within your own life.

If you were to set up savings for your children now, it is entirely possible that this could make some of these aspects easier on them in the future, especially if that pot has had a number of years to reap interest. By utilising an account that can only be accessed by that specific child, it means that other adults, and even their siblings, can have no claim on the money. If you have more than one child, it can be a good idea to deposit the same amount for each one whenever you make a payment.

Your children could opt to also invest their own pocket money. If they do, you may want to make it clear to them that this could alter the amount they each have, so that a child with less is unable to complain that a sibling who saves has more.

Final Thoughts

Creating a better future can often involve the things you’d like your children to be, as well as to have. Treating them as individuals, and thinking about the person they have the potential to be, could aid with this. It’s hard to think of everything as a parent, but implementing these tips into your children’s lives should set you on the right path.

Emily Rose

Wife. Mom. Blogger. Actress. Friend. I got married to Dariek in 2009. Now I am the mother of three cute and naughty children who keep me busy always. As a lifelong learner, I find inspiration from the everyday experiences of motherhood. When I learn a new thing, I share it on my blog

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