How to feel more stylish as a mom?

How to feel more stylish as a mom?

When you have children, it often seems like you don’t have a spare moment to yourself. Whether you have one or more little ones demanding your attention, it probably takes all your energy to make sure that they’re well cared for. As a result, looking and feeling stylish is probably right at the bottom of your list of priorities. However, being busy and not getting enough sleep doesn’t mean you need to resign yourself to a life of wearing pajamas and worn-out clothes. Here are some easy ways you can feel a bit more put-together and stylish on a daily basis:

Upgrade your glasses

Lots of moms give up on contact lenses, finding them to be too much effort to clean and maintain when they’re trying to get as much sleep as possible. If the specs you’re wearing regularly aren’t really your style, you could be due an upgrade. Wearing women’s glasses can help you feel stylish even when you’re dressing down. Glasses often get a bad reputation for being something old ladies wear, but in reality, there are lots of stylish frames out there for you to try on.

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Don’t have the time or money to switch up your wardrobe? You can make new outfits out of old clothes using accessories. Nearly every woman has a drawer filled with belts, scarves, and necklaces that she’s forgotten about, but this is a treasure trove for experimentation. Next time you throw on some jeans and a jumper, pair it with a silk scarf or jaunty beret and see if it makes you feel any more fashionable.

Change your hair

If it’s been an age since you last visited the hairdresser, then book an appointment and think about changing up your hair. Whether you want to chop your long locks or turn bright blond to a sumptuous red or brown, your stylist will be well-equipped to make your dreams a reality. Try to find some photos of hairstyles you really love so that you can bring a picture along to the salon. If you don’t have a clue what you’d like, you can always just treat yourself to a trim and fancy blowout.

Add a little makeup

Makeup can feel like a lot of effort, but you don’t have to go all out on a regular basis. Simply adding a little bit of lip gloss or mascara to your look can make all the difference, especially if you used to wear makeup most of the time before you had kids. Alternatively, use a tinted moisturizer to disguise those dark circles and bring a bit more color back into your complexion. Whatever you do, it doesn’t have to take more than a few seconds and you’ll probably feel much more confident afterward.

Being stylish as a mom isn’t an easy feat. Never feel like you have to change your appearance to please anyone else, but if you are feeling a bit down in the dumps lately, updating your look could be the solution you’ve been looking for.

Emily Rose

Wife. Mom. Blogger. Actress. Friend. I got married to Dariek in 2009. Now I am the mother of three cute and naughty children who keep me busy always. As a lifelong learner, I find inspiration from the everyday experiences of motherhood. When I learn a new thing, I share it on my blog

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