5 Positive Parenting Techniques for Young Children

Positive parenting techniques

Are you a single parent having a hard time to raise your children the right way? Are you having a hard time disciplining and observing your children? If yes, then this article is for you. We are going to describe some of the positive parenting techniques for your child such as offering choices, focusing on big staffs, disciplining them and not punishing them and many more.

Positive parenting is now growing in popularity because it is one of the best methods of maintaining a closer relationship between the parent and the child. This approach is based on having a good relationship between the parent and the child. It’s all about building boundaries, respect and considerations to help and teach them to be responsible.

1. Offer choices

A good parent as a teacher can play a vital role developing a child’s life. As a good parent, you are not supposed to give your children commands, its better if you gave them choices. They will choose any of the given and this way, you may never have a direct confrontation. A good parent will always give their children choices because they know they will never get into a physical power struggle situation. This is a good technique because it gives you a chance to avoid ‘’NO’’ for an answer.

However, this doesn’t mean that your child should always go for a better choice. If there’s no other alternative, then you can give your children an easy time making that small decision rather than getting into a struggle. The choices shouldn’t be very complicated. What this means is that you should always guide them to choose between the two. Instead of commanding your children, give her clear and broad choices. Don’t command her to “move that, get here, take that or eat that’’ Just give here choices to choose what they really want.

If you are dealing with infants who cannot really understand what you are talking about, then you have to focus your attention on positive parenting techniques for infants. Some of these techniques include: having enough time with them, investigating the source of their problems and at the same time giving them enough sleep.

For younger children of either zero to 1 year, it is soothing to hear your voice and for this reason, you should talk to them. When your daughter or son makes some sounds, respond and make them smile. This is one of the methods of making them know that you are always there for them. Sometimes spare some time and read on your baby. It makes them develop well.

For those over 1 year up to two years, life may get easier because they already understand what you say either verbally or through facial expressions. At this time, they are mobile and they need more space. This is a time that you will usually have many confrontations because the kid wants to learn from almost everything. At this point in time, there are several things you can do to make him/her grow the right way. Ask the child to find things for you. You can as well be sending them from one point to the other. This increases the baby’s ability to make decisions and at the same time his/her creativity.

2. Focus on the Big Stuff

What am trying to mean with this is that you should always focus on the most important things rather than getting into confrontations for simple issues. Teach your child to control temper instead of getting her into trouble every time you want to command her. You need to be sure that reaching the heart of your children is better than checking small things that they didn’t accomplish.

Always check what they don’t accomplish and instead of getting tempered by that, you can always guide him/her while focusing all the attention on more important things. Sometimes they may fail you and feel like disciplining them. For this reason, you need to ensure that you are having a better chance at all cost. Consider positive parenting disciplining techniques such as:  solving the problem together, using encouragement liberally and impactful discipline instead of punishments.

If you are dealing with an older kid, then it is very easy to involve them in problem-solving. Invite them to the table and ensure you are giving them guidance. However, the first thing is to make them know where they are wrong. After this, show them any unwanted end results that they are likely to face if they don’t change.

As a good parent, you also need to teach your children problem-solving techniques so that they will always know how to solve problems any time they fall into a confrontation with their friends. When you observe that they have changed in a way, sit with them and try to solve that particular problem instead of fighting.

The reality of the matter is that there’s a wide gap between discipline and punishment. What most of the parents don’t know is that punishment will never make someone change their behavior. For this reason, parents should only focus on talking to their children and if possible discipline them in a better way.

3. Teach your child how to be kind and compassionate

If you want your son or daughter to have an easy and an stress-free time with their friends, you have to teach them empathy. You need to teach them how to understand people. Sometimes you need to tell them how to check things from the person’s point of view so that they will always understand them. What this means is that apart from getting fumed whenever your son complains about how his teacher acted that day, you can just tell him to understand the teacher from his own point of view.

If the child is kind and compassionate, he/she will always have an easy time interacting with his/her friends. Most of the people get into trouble simply because they will not share or even understand their friends. If he/she can be able to understand the friends even when they are in confrontation, then they will never fight or get into other indiscipline acts.

4. Teach your child how to express emotions

Emotions should be taught from the first day. Am usually convinced that it is neither too early nor too late to teach your child how to express their emotions. Most of the children will have to act out especially when they don’t have the ability to comprehend what’s going on.

For your children, a single emotions chart can make the difference. Create this every time by taking your child’s emotional face. Check online and you will see stories of parents who tried to teach their children emotions as early as two years and it has really helped.

5. Be a detective

There are several things that you will never know about your child unless you become a detective. You need to establish why your kid acts the way they act at times, what times that happens and why they do that. Answer some of the questions to be sure. See whether some children and close friends are a trigger to the behavior your child has now. Are there environmental and the surrounding factors contributing negatively to the current changes in behavior? Are there any other factors that affect your kid such as illnesses, allergies, medication or changes in diet? All these questions should be answered and after that decision made. If you discover that the group your child is hanging out with has some negative influence, then you should detach him/her from them.

Ifs its food or environmental factors that are making the kid behave the way they are, then you have a responsibility as the parent to make changes. What I am trying to mean is that you should, first of all, see if you can be able to get the root cause of any problem before you act.

The reality of the matter is that circumstances can influence behavior and the only action that you can take at this point in time is to eliminate the influencing factor. If you can be able to examine the problem and deal with it now, then you may have a better chance in the future.

It is a wise idea to record the time of the day when that specific behavior occurs. If you find that the child behaves a certain way at a certain point in time, then you will have better chances of determining the root cause and eliminating it.

If you are dealing with older children, then you may be forced to include them in your investigations. It is easy this way to determine what is bothering them.

Besides this, you need to take good care of yourself. The reality of the matter is that parenting is very difficult and if you are not very active and involved, you may either not raise your children the right way or may end giving yourself a hard time.

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Emily Rose

Wife. Mom. Blogger. Actress. Friend. I got married to Dariek in 2009. Now I am the mother of three cute and naughty children who keep me busy always. As a lifelong learner, I find inspiration from the everyday experiences of motherhood. When I learn a new thing, I share it on my blog GlobalMomsMagazine.com.

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