Should You Gift Your Kids with Jewelry? Top 5 Things to Consider

Kids Jewelry Gift

When holidays or your child’s birthday hits the calendar, you will be thinking of the most awesome kids gifts to give them. One gift option is jewellery which always looks lovely when worn. Jewellery is a unique and meaningful gift. But there are some things you need to consider before buying. When you want to celebrate occasions or milestones in your child’s life with a piece of jewellery, the following article can serve as a guideline:

1.  Type of Jewelry

  • Necklaces
kids Necklaces

For kids under 12 years old, a necklace is a great gift. Necklaces are easy to wear and serve as a glamorous accent for any fashion outfit. If you want your necklace to be more meaningful, you may want to opt for a personalized or monogram necklace. Have your child’s name or initials engraved in the design for a unique and beautiful pendant.

Keep in mind that you don’t have to spend a fortune on them. There are exquisite jewellery pieces on the market, specially designed for kids at every price range.

  • Earrings
kids Earrings

A great jewellery piece to give is earrings. Earrings are something your kid can wear in every life stage. Ear studs can be put on a baby’s newly pierced ears. As your child gets older, you can give them more extensive styles and designs. You can choose from interesting shapes, cartoon characters, and lovely birthstones. If your daughter is old enough, you can give her hoop and dangling earring styles.

  • Rings
kids ring


Rings should be given to older children. Choose a ring that has their birthstone or something with a colourful and playful design. Monogrammed rings are classic & elegant and are another good option.

  • Bracelets

Charm bracelets are an amazing jewellery kids gift idea. Some bracelets are designed with positive quotations that can inspire your child. You can even make this jewellery more elaborate by adding metal pieces and stones to mark each milestone.

2. Safety

Consider your child’s age when purchasing jewellery. There are safety measures you need to check. For infants and toddlers, it is not a good idea to give them a necklace. Instead, it would help if you waited until your child is seven years old before they can wear this jewellery piece. If you are giving earrings, choose a design with screw-back posts. It keeps in place when your child performs a variety of activities.

If you opt for hoop earrings, it is best to choose a snug-fitting design that will not fall off. Give rings and bracelets to older children since younger ones use their hands during playtime. Rings might break or get lost whereas bracelets can get accidentally pulled off.

3. Metal Allergies

Children can have an adverse reaction to certain metals. These reactions fire off when they sweat. Choose hypoallergenic jewellery which is ideal for toddlers and children who have sensitive skin.

4. Comfort

Your child will be moving and playing a lot. Before you purchase a piece of jewellery, make sure it can be worn comfortably when they move around.

It is best if you choose jewellery with a solid design that can be worn daily. Some jewellery is fragile and expensive and should only be worn on special occasions.

5. Preferences of Your Child

Every kid, even very young ones, will have preferences and favourites. Factor this in your buying decision. There are jewellery pieces which feature their favourite cartoon characters, shapes, and colours. You may want your child to browse jewellery pieces to choose their favourite. You can buy something that matches their taste, and they will cherish for years.


Some gift ideas tend to be boring. But jewellery is an interesting and meaningful gift that can even convey a warm and personal message. There is an array of jewellery at every price range. Choose a piece suitable for your child. Your child will be wearing your gift as if it were your heart close to them.

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Emily Rose

Wife. Mom. Blogger. Actress. Friend. I got married to Dariek in 2009. Now I am the mother of three cute and naughty children who keep me busy always. As a lifelong learner, I find inspiration from the everyday experiences of motherhood. When I learn a new thing, I share it on my blog

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